Audacious Water is hosted by John Sabo, director of Tulane University’s ByWater Institute and a globally recognized authority on water resources.
John Sabo
“When most experts talk about water, they talk in terms of scarcity, risk, and blame -- a doom-and-gloom future that we can’t escape.”
— John Sabo
“But here’s what almost none of the experts talk about: the growing opportunities we now have to create a world of water abundance for everyone -- even in an era of increasing climate extremes.
“I’m talking about storing floodwaters in aquifers for use during droughts. AI that applies fertilizer in the Mississippi Valley so precisely it could minimize the Gulf of Mexico dead zone. And finding the solutions -- both tech and human -- that bring drinking water access and sanitation to the 2 million people in the United States that don’t have them.
“That’s big, audacious thinking. And that’s why I’m calling this podcast Audacious Water, because here we’re turning that narrative of water doom-and-gloom on its head.
“On Audacious Water we’ll hear from corporate leaders, activists, policymakers and other experts on the front lines of building that world of water abundance -- through disruptive technologies, empowering communities, and unlikely partnerships. And we’ll pay special attention to the roles green infrastructure; equity; and urban and coastal resilience need to play in building our water future.
“Please share with colleagues, peers, friends, and especially pessimists. I look forward to having you join us for bold conversations about how we can bring about a future of water abundance for everyone.”
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